17 November 2021 - 17 November 2021
2:00PM - 3:00PM
Durham Human Rights Centre are pleased to host a webinar with speakers from The Hansard Society.
Open Law books
For our first event this academic year, Durham Human Rights Centre will be joined by Dr Brigid Fowler (Senior Researcher, Hansard Society), Dr Tom West and Dheemanth Vangimalla (Researchers, Hansard Society) who will discuss the Society’s newly-launched Delegated Legislation Review with Dr Ben Yong (Associate Professor of Public Law and Human Rights, Durham Law School).
The Hansard Society - one of the UK’s leading sources of independent research and advice on Parliament and parliamentary affairs - has long argued that the system for parliamentary scrutiny of delegated legislation is flawed. Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic have exposed the problem in stark terms. Delegated powers have been used to make wide-ranging regulations affecting all aspects of everyday life using scrutiny procedures widely recognised to be inadequate. The core principle of the accountability of government to Parliament is being undermined.
The Hansard Society has concluded that fundamental and far-reaching reform is needed. They will be discussing the weaknesses in how Parliament currently scrutinises delegated legislation as well as the Society’s proposed principles for reform via a new Statutory Instruments Act, which would better link the content of law with parliamentary scrutiny; better resourcing of parliamentarians; and modernising outdated procedures. There will be an opportunity for Q&A in the second half of the event. All are welcome, but prior registration is required.
Registration Link: https://durhamuniversity.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0-MqE2nqRhmnJ6m2fm_isg
NB: when registering, please ensure you use an email address linked to your zoom account.