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Basic Legal Issues of Joint Development of Offshore Oil and Gas in Relation to Maritime Boundary Delimitation

Author: Masahiro Miyoshi


The advances in offshore oil and gas exploration have created difficulties for maritime boundary delimitation. This Briefing shows how joint development arrangements around the world have been reached in boundary negotiations. It begins with a brief history of joint development before dealing with the following key issues: the basic concept of joint development; eight precedents of joint development in the absence of boundaries and six precedents as part of boundary delimitation; a theoretical review of the precedents, discussing the presence or absence of boundaries, definition of joint development, powers of joint commissions, other legitimate uses of the sea and the interests of third countries; the outlook for joint development.

This study represents the most up-to-date exposition available of joint development arrangements in relation to maritime boundary delimitation.


Series Year Region/Theme Boundary Pages
Maritime Briefings 1999 General technical 53


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