Blackfriars Lecture: The Healthy Medieval Diet
31 October 2015 - 31 October 2015
11:00AM - 1:00PM
Blackfriars, Friars Street, Newcastle, NE1 4XN
IMEMS has a long-standing relationship with Blackfriars Restaurant in Newcastle and we are pleased to announce our public lecture.
Blackfrairs Lecture
There are many myths about medieval food: lots of spices, too much meat, far too much feasting and fasting, no fruit and vegetables, frequent famine. This talk will try to dispel some of the myths by describing some typical foods and eating behaviours from the 14th and 15th centuries. Were medieval people more or less healthy than us? Did they listen to what their doctors had to say? How did poor people cope compared to the rich? The talk will start by exploring what we mean by ?healthy? and what it meant then. It will then go on to consider medieval methods of maintaining and restoring health through diet and consider to what extent these ideas were put into practice at all levels of society.
Contact for more information about this event.