Announcing details of our first monthly webinar!

Thursday 26 January 2023 at 7pm GMT | 8pm CET | 2pm EST | 11am PST
For our first monthly webinar, we are delighted to welcome Michael Yandell (PhD, Emory University), a theologian whose work on moral injury is rooted in his experiences as an EOD (bomb disposal) specialist in the US Army in Iraq.
Michael is senior minister at First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Greensboro, North Carolina and is the author of War and Negative Revelation: A Theoethical Reflection on Moral Injury (Rowman & Littlefield, 2022). Using the Global War on Terror led by the United States as a primary context, Yandell describes moral injury as a ’negative revelation.’ He argues that the value of goodness, justice, and meaning is disclosed through their absence, and that the value of life can be paradoxically glimpsed through the dehumanisation of wartime violence.
The 45-minute talk will be followed by a 45-minute discussion led by our Executive Director, Brian Powers. Please note that the discussion will not be recorded, so do come along for what is sure to be a fascinating session!