About Us
The Durham Centre for Soft Matter brings together internationally recognised expertise from the Departments of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Engineering with the aim of providing a focal point for soft matter and polymer research at Durham.
Academics in the Centre cover a broad range of research interests in soft matter and polymer science, including expertise in materials synthesis, characterisation, design, simulation and theory.
Our People
The principal objectives of the Durham Centre for Soft Matter are:
- To train the next generation of industrial and academic leaders by exposing our postgraduates to an expansive PhD training program involving taught modules to develop advanced scientific and generic skills in addition to an original research project
- To foster world-leading collaborative and interdisciplinary research programs across Durham University science and engineering departments
- To promote knowledge transfer activities in their broadest sense with local, national and international partners in both industry and academia
Our Associations
The Durham Centre for Soft Matter is closely associated with the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Soft Matter and Functional Interfaces (SOFI) and its successor (SOFI2) at the Universities of Durham, Edinburgh and Leeds. The CDT is coordinated by Durham.