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Cecile Blouin

Research Postgraduate (PhD)

Research Postgraduate (PhD) in the Department of Geography


Education and Employment

Prior to my PhD, I was a principal researcher on human mobility at the Institute for Democracy and Human Rights of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Lima, Peru), where I was in charge of several research projects around migration and asylum public policies in Latin America. 

I graduated from Law and Political Science (Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines). I hold a Master degree in the Law of the European Union (Universidad Carlos III, Spain) and a Master degree in comparative European Laws between Spain and France (Université Paris X Nanterre, France). I also have a Certificate in Migration and Asylum from a Human Rights Perspective (Lanús University, Argentina).  

Currently, I’m a lecturer at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Lima, Peru). I supervise undergraduate thesis on migration issues to obtain a Law degree in Peru. I’m also a research associate at the Institute for Democracy and Human Rights.

PhD project

My project focuses on the itineraries of Venezuelan migrants in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru in a re-bordering context. Utilising a migrant centred approach, this study will develop a novel understanding of the complex and multi-faceted itineraries that shape migrant experiences. The project’s focus on migrant itineraries will advance critical debates on geographies of migration, immobility, mobility and border studies, migrant decision-making, and spaces of transit in an understudied geographical area. 

My project is supported by UK's ESRC NINE Doctoral Training Partnership. A description of my project could be found here:


Research interests

Borders, mobility regimes, journeys, Venezuelan migration, migration and asylum policies, legal categories, racism, Andean region


Esteem indicators
  • 2024: UK  ESRC NINE Doctoral Training Partnership Overseas Fieldwork Funding.
  • 2023: UK Economic and Social Research Council Doctoral Training Partnership Scholarship.
  • 2022: PUCP Annual Research Recognition Award.
  • 2022: Latin American Studies Association (LASA)- registration scholarship for the LASA, Annual Conference. Polarización socioambiental y rivalidad entre grandes potencias.
  • 2020: LASA-FORD: Special Project Award (Grant #FL-15-01) to support the CAMINAR project ‘The crisis of forced displacement and responses to COVID-19 in Latin America.
  • 2018: PUCP: Annual Award as Best Employee.
  • 2019: LASA: Mobility grant to support my venue as speaker to LASA Annual Conference. Nuestra América: Justice and Inclusion.



Journal Article