Staff profile
Affiliation |
Associate Professor in Public Law & Human Rights in the Durham Law School |
Dr Eleni Frantziou joined Durham Law School in 2018. She holds an LLB from King’s College London, an LLM from the College of Europe (Bruges), and a PhD from UCL. In 2015, she was an Exchange Scholar at Yale University. She teaches in the fields of public law and human rights on undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes and co-directs the Human Rights and Public Law Centre.
Dr Frantziou's research focuses on the application of human rights in legal disputes between private parties ('horizontal effect') in Europe and comparatively. She is the author of a monograph entitled The Horizontal Effect of Fundamental Rights in the European Union: A Constitutional Analysis (OUP 2019), which was the Joint Winner of the UACES Best Book Prize 2020. Dr Frantziou has also published extensively in peer-reviewed journals concerning the horizontal effect of human rights, the interpretation and application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, and the relationship between EU and UK human rights law following Brexit. Her research has been cited extensively, including by Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union, in EU institutional reports, national human rights bodies, and by national courts, such as the German Constitutional Court. Dr Frantziou is currently working on a large-scale comparative project on the application and justifications of the horizontal effect of human rights, with an emphasis on questions of equality and political inclusion. She takes a broader interest in the concept of private life within the law and in the implications of constitutional entrenchment.
Dr Frantziou welcomes approaches for supervision from prospective doctoral students in her areas of expertise. She is particularly interested in comparative doctoral work on the horizontal effect of human rights.
Research Interests
- UK Constitutional Law, EU Constitutional Law, Constitutional Theory, Global Constitutionalism, Human Rights Law, Workplace Politics, Horizontal Effect, Privacy
Research interests
- UK Constitutional Law
- EU Constitutional Law
- Global Constitutionalism
- Human Rights Law
- Horizontal Effect
- Privacy
Authored book
Book review
- Frantziou, E. (2019). The UK Constitution After Miller: Brexit and Beyond. Edited by Mark Elliott, Jack Williams, and Alison L. Young. Haywards Heath : Hart, 2018. 9781509916405. Common Market Law Review, 56(4), 1143-1145
- Frantziou, E. (2018). General Principles of EU Law: European and Comparative Perspectives. European law review, 43(3), 470-473
Chapter in book
- Mantouvalou, V., & Frantziou, E. (in press). Article 15. In S. Peers, T. Hervey, J. Kenner, & A. Ward (Eds.), The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Commentary. (2nd). Hart/Beck
- Frantziou, E. (2022). Constitutional impact of withdrawal on the protection of fundamental rights. In A. Cygan, & A. Lazowski (Eds.), Research Handbook on Legal Aspects of Brexit. Edward Elgar Publishing
- Frantziou, E. (2022). Farrell. In G. Butler, & A. Lazowski (Eds.), Shaping EU Law the British Way: UK Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union. Hart Publishing
- Frantziou, E. (2021). The European Union's Special Procedural Rights Before the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). In H. Ruiz Fabri (Ed.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law. OUP
Journal Article
- Frantziou, E., & Craig, S. (2022). Understanding the Implications of Article 2 of the Northern Ireland Protocol in the Context of EU Case Law Developments. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 73(S2), 65-88.
- Frantziou, E. (2022). Was Brexit a Form of Secession?. Global Policy, 13(S2), 69-78.
- Frantziou, E. (2021). The Horizontal Effect of Human Rights after Brexit: A Matter of Renewed Constitutional Significance. European Human Rights Law Review, 2021(4), 365-388
- Frantziou, E. (2020). The Horizontal Effect of the Charter: Towards an Understanding of Horizontality as a Structural Constitutional Principle?. The Cambridge yearbook of European legal studies, 22, 208-232.
- Frantziou, E. (2019). (Most of) the Charter of Fundamental Rights is Horizontally Applicable: ECJ 6 November 2018, Joined Cases C-569/16 and C-570/16, Bauer et al. European Constitutional Law Review, 15(2), 306-323.
- Frantziou, E. (2019). The Binding Charter Ten Years On: More Than A Mere Entreaty?. Yearbook of European Law, 38, 73-73.
- Frantziou, E. (2019). Constitutional Reasoning in the European Union and the Charter of Fundamental Rights: In Search of Public Justification. European Public Law, 25(2), 183-203.
- Eeckhout, P., & Frantziou, E. (2017). Brexit and Article 50 TEU: a constitutionalist reading. Common Market Law Review, 54(3), 695-733
- Frantziou, E. (2015). The Horizontal Effect of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: Rediscovering the Reasons for Horizontality. European Law Journal: Review of European Law in Context, 21(5), 657-679.
- Frantziou, E. (2014). Further Developments in the Right to be Forgotten: The European Court of Justice's Judgment in Case C-131/12, Google Spain, SL, Google Inc v Agencia Espanola de Proteccion de Datos. Human Rights Law Review, 14(4), 761-777.
- Frantziou, E. (2014). Case C-176/12 Association de Médiation Sociale: Some Reflections on the Horizontal Effect of the Charter and the Reach of Fundamental Employment Rights in the European Union. European Constitutional Law Review, 10(02), 332-348.
Other (Digital/Visual Media)
- Frantziou, E. Paid Annual Leave and Collective Agreements after the TSN Judgment (C-609/17 and C-610/17)
- Frantziou, E. (online). ‘Mangold Recast? The ECJ’s Flirtation with Drittwirkung in Egenberger’
- Frantziou, E. (online). The right to privacy while working from home (‘WFH’): why employee monitoring infringes Art 8 ECHR
- Frantziou, E. (2019). Administrative Formalities and Collective Disenfranchisement: the Situation of EU citizens in the UK #DeniedAvote during the European Parliament Elections 2019
- Frantziou, E. (2019). Joined Cases C-569/16 and C-570/16 Bauer et al: (Most of) the Charter of Fundamental Rights Is Horizontally Applicable
- Frantziou, E. (2018). Farewell to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights? The Withdrawal Act and the Danger of Losing Fundamentals
- Frantziou, E., & Łazowski, A. (2017). Brexit Transitional Period: The Solution Is Article 50