Examples of our actions towards SDG 12
Providing healthy, seasonal, local, and responsibly sourced food for staff, students and visitors are critical to the University’s drive to uphold its reputation as a responsible institution. This policy covers all of the University’s colleges, catering outlets, services and products.
Local and Regional
Our mission is to make Durham University recognised as one of the most environmentally sustainable universities in the UK. To achieve this goal will require us to clearly demonstrate that our buildings achieve leading sustainable environmental design criteria and for us to target resources to promote sustainability to our stakeholders and occupants.
Sustainable Construction and Renovation Policy
Living the Values
With over 18,000 students and 4,000 staff members, the University produces between 2,500
and 3,000 tonnes of waste each year. Waste is generated through the residential Colleges,academic departments, catering outlets, professional service departments, libraries,museums and attractions, Graham Sports Centre, Durham Student’s Union, Green LaneDepot, and from capital building projects. Through our waste strategy we manage waste in a legally compliant and sustainable manner.
Waste Management Strategy
Wider Student Experience
We are working towards the Fairtrade University Award. Our Fairtrade Steering Group has evolved into the new Sustainable Procurement Group, and our updated Sustainable Procurement Policy reflects the University's commitment to the Fairtrade Award and to reducing supply chain emissions.
Richard Adams, a fair trade pioneer and founder of Traidcraft, was a student at St John's College in the 1960s. This tradition of supporting Fairtrade is continued within the University today. We host a schedule of fair trade events, including a range of activities in support of Fairtrade Fortnight. Our students are actively engaged with fairtrade activities, find out more about St John's fairtrade team
Fairtrade at St John's College