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At Durham we have a number of e-learning courses available relating to our protected characteristics which can be accessed in the Oracle learning platform. A brief overview of some of the courses available is provided below:

EDI General

HR-OD: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - This course is designed to raise awareness and develop understanding of key Equality, Diversity and Inclusion related matters.

SkillBoosters: The effective bystander - This course looks at some effective bystander intervention strategies and sets out when it might be appropriate and constructive to use them.

SkillBoosters: Bullying and harassment effective interventions - This course looks at how effective action can be taken to tackle bullying, harassment and inappropriate behaviour at work.


SkillBoosters: Disability etiquette - This course uses original drama and real-life stories to demonstrate how we can all interact more effectively and sensitively with disabled colleagues and customers and ensure that we provide them with appropriate support and assistance.


SkillBoosters: Understanding race bias - This course takes a bold look at the nature of 'modern racism' and its influence in the workplace, and sets out steps that we can all take to ensure that our decisions are free from bias and that we behave in an inclusive manner.


SkillBoosters: Understanding & confronting sexual harassment - This short course examines the nature of sexual harassment in the workplace and its impact on staff and sets out practical steps for tackling the problem.

SkillBoosters: Understanding & tackling gender bias at work - This course looks at the nature of gender bias and what we can do to reduce its impact, both at an individual, and an organisational level

Sexual Orientation

SkillBoosters: Sexual orientation - This micro-course uses original drama, first-person stories and expert analysis to show how to work successfully with LGB customers and colleagues and create a fair and tolerant working environment where everyone is treated with respect.

Trans & Non Binary

SkillBoosters: Trans & non-binary awareness - This micro-course provides a unique insight into what it’s like to be trans and non-binary in today’s society, reinforcing the importance of treating trans and non-binary individuals with the dignity and respect they deserve.