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Durham Laidlaw Scholar Organisation (DSLO)

The Durham Laidlaw Scholars’ Organisation (DLSO), otherwise known as Laidlaw Society, is the collective organisation for Laidlaw Scholars at Durham University.

Made up of all current Laidlaw Scholars studying at Durham and a formal part of Careers and Enterprise, DLSO is primarily involved in representing the community of scholars at Durham, organising social events, helping to recruit new scholars to the programme and just generally trying to make the experience of Laidlaw Scholars at Durham as enriching as possible.
Meet the Execs
Group of Laidlaw Scholars

Come and Join Us

In the past, we’ve been involved in taking Durham scholars to the annual Laidlaw Conference at University College London (see the picture), hosting social dinners and helping to coordinate communication between scholars. We are entirely student-led and all scholars are welcome to get involved!

Having recently relaunched for the new academic year, we’re looking forward to helping welcome the newest cohort of scholars to Durham’s Laidlaw community. If you’re looking to potentially apply for a Laidlaw Scholarship at Durham and want to hear from current scholars about their experience, feel free to get in touch and we’ll be able to point you in the right direction!

A group of students in a talk

University student
I’m James, a third-year student at Stephenson studying BA Politics. My research is based in the School of Education, and focuses on the construction of political identity in left-wing student activists

James Harrison
Laidlaw Scholar and President