9 March 2022 - 9 March 2022
4:30PM - 5:30PM
Ph8 Lecture Theatre, Rochester Building, Department of Physics
Dame Sue Ion, FRS FREng FIoM3, FNucI
Dame Sue Ion presents this year's Gareth Roberts lecture
Honorary President of the National Skills Academy for Nuclear (NSAN) and a member of the ONR Independent Advisory Panel. Dame Sue is a member of the Royal Society's Net Zero Panel, and was Chair of the UK Government’s Nuclear Innovation Research Advisory Board.
Dame Sue was also the UK's representative on the IAEA Standing Advisory Group on Nuclear Energy 2000-2007 and Chair of the Euratom Science and Technology Committee until 2018.
Tune in and watch the lecture online LIVE at 4.30pm on 9 March by clicking on this link: https://durhamuniversity.zoom.us/j/94701052424?pwd=OEJLZWdHVUQ0UFgzRmdhUXFKY2RIdz09