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1 April 2022 - 1 April 2022

12:00PM - 1:00PM

Online webinar, via Zoom

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As part of our EDI seminar series, the Physics Education Section have organised an online webinar by Dr Zoe Ayres titled “The academic mental health landscape: from PhD to Professor”.

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Zoë Ayres

This talk will cover back-to-basics on why we should care about mental health in academia, explore the current stats around academic mental health, and highlight some of the key challenges being faced at different career stages throughout academia.

The aim of this talk to raise awareness around mental health within academia and get the conversation started.

Zoë is an analytical scientist by background, with an undergraduate degree in Forensic Science, Masters in analytical chemistry and PhD in electrochemical sensor development. After spending several years in academia post-PhD, she moved to industry, and is now an senior scientist in the water industry. Zoë is also is a mental health advocate, working towards improving mental health in research settings, primarily focusing on graduate mental health.

The talk takes place, via Zoom, on 1 April 2022 @ 12pm - click here to register

