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3 November 2022 - 3 November 2022

1:00PM - 2:00PM


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Is it possible for Industrial Waste Heat used to Power a Protected Horticulture Site?

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Pip Lorimer, Sustainability Consultant, District Eating Ltd

Across the UK, renewable energy sources and heat are constantly being wasted. There is potential to use these waste resources to grow fresh, low carbon food through protected horticulture. Industrial sources of waste heat and minewater heat have been studied to understand potential capabilities to heat a protected horticultural space. By providing heat from these sources, food could be grown all year round and controlled factors in growing can be introduced to produce higher, more reliable yield.

Pip is a Sustainability Consultant at District Eating with a background in Design Engineering. She spent her studies focusing on sustainability within design, analysing product life cycles and regenerative materials. In her role at District Eating, Pip has worked on several feasibility studies looking into sources of waste heat and how they could be used to grow low-carbon food.

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