EERA JP EEIP White Paper Launch webinar
This webinar launch will present the key findings from the EERA JP EEIP White Paper “Industrial Thermal Energy Storage – Supporting the transition to decarbonise industry” which has assessed the potential of TES to support decarbonisation goals across the European Union
White paper front cover
One quarter of total final energy consumption in the European Union is consumed by industry. Within that quarter, over 80% is consumed by heating and cooling processes. The continued, wide-scale use of gas, oil, coal, and other fossil fuels for industrial thermal processes leads to an estimated greenhouse gas (GHG) emission of 513 Mt CO2 equivalent per year, 12% of total GHG emissions.
Thermal energy storage (TES) can assist in the decarbonisation of industrial heating and cooling, and ncrease energy system flexibility and security. The full roll-out of industrial TES could enable a potential 1,793 TWh of fossil fuel replacement by renewable energy and/or surplus heat. So why aren’t more organisations implementing TES?
The Paper provides insights from industry experts on
- The role TES can play in decarbonising process industries
- Case studies featuring TES in use
- Challenges and Barriers to the use of TES
- TES in action, new technical solutions
- Proposed actions to roll out adoption across the industry
Presenters include:
Professor Tony Roskilly, Chair of Energy Systems, Durham University
Dr Zhiwei Ma, Assistant Professor, Durham University,
Dr Hanne Kauko, Senior Research Scientist, Sintef, Norway
Dr Alexis Sevault, Senior Research Scientist, Sintef, Norway,
Dr Salvatore Vasta, Research Engineer, CNR-ITAE, Italy and Coordinator of EERA JP on Thermal Energy Storage
Professor Herbert Zondag, Senior Scientist at TNO, Netherlands and University of Eindhoven
Dr Yvonne Van Delft, TNO and Coordinator of EERA JP EEIP
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Further details about the work of the EERA JP EEIP can be found here Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes - Home (
This webinar is FREE, but booking is essential. Please register via the Eventbrite link HERE