Mitigating climate risk for renewables: the Brazilian experience with an energy sharing mechanism
Pedro Fonseca, Master of Laws, Stanford University
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Mitigating climate risk for renewables: the Brazilian experience with an energy sharing mechanism
19 December 2024, 1pm-2pm, Zoom
Pedro Fonseca, Master of Laws, Stanford University
The transition for renewable energy faces many challenges, being climate risk a rising concern. A regulatory mechanism applied in Brazil for decades, called Energy Relocating Mechanism, has played an important role in mitigating this risk, by imposing a collective and reciprocal compensation among hydroelectric generators. However, the mechanism itself causes disputes and litigation among its participants.
Pedro Fonseca – Master of Laws from Stanford University, is an attorney specialized in energy law litigation in Brazil, highlighted by Chambers and Partners and Legal500. He is also an attorney at the Federal District’s Attorney-General’s Office, Brasília, Brazil, and has also functioned as the Federal Treasury attorney in Brazil.