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21 May 2021 - 21 May 2021

1:00PM - 2:30PM


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Network-H2 is the EPSRC funded network to maximise the impact of UK-funded research and innovation. The Network will be organising conferences, seminars, workshops and funding calls in order to advance the knowledge and understanding of hydrogen fuelled transportation.

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This webinar is the next in our series of seminars featuring speakers from industry and academia exploring the challenges and advances, This webinar looks at the Challenges of multi-modal transport, logistics and autonomy and we are delighted to welcome two speakers from Ballard Europe.

Speakers are:

David Yorke, Market Development Manager, Ballard Europe

David will present on the operational and maintenance challenges of hydrogen freight and bus transportation

Kristina Fløche Juelsgaard,

Kristina will present on Ballard's work in the Marine sector and hydrogen fuel cells.

We are grateful to our two speakers for their time and expertise.

This webinar is FREE, but booking is essential. Please register via the Eventbrite link here
