Network H+C Webinar - Thermal energy transport and INTEGRATION
A Network for Heating and Cooling Research to Enable a Net-Zero Carbon Future (H+C Zero Network) has been established by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) to maximise the impact of UK-funded research and innovation. These monthly webinars explore the challenges of decarbonising heating and cooling.
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Our May webinar features a presentation on a recent project working with the Church of England to research the opportunities for decarbonising heat usage in churches and Cathedrals.
We are delighted to welcome speakers:
Professor Yunting Ge, Professor of Building service Engineering at London South Bank University, will present on the H2-Heat project, which is investigating strategies for a novel concept of decarbonising district heating and cooling system (H2-heat) using the integration of metal hydride (MH) heat pump on site, long distance hydrogen and heat transport, and MH heating and cooling for end users.
Professor Daniel Friedrich, Chair of Energy Systems at Edinburgh University, will present the research within the INTEGRATE: "Integrating seasoNal Thermal storagE with multiple enerGy souRces to decArbonise Thermal Energy" project which will evaluate the potential of Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage (STES) systems to facilitate the decarbonisation of heating and cooling
This webinar is FREE, but booking is essential. Please register via the Eventbrite link HERE