Next Generation Energy Performance Certificates Webinar
The EPSRC Network for the Decarbonisation of Heating and Cooling and the Energy Technology Partnership have organised a webinar on “Next Generation Energy Performance Certificates” on 14th December, 10am.
EPSRC Network for Decarbonisation of Heating and Cooling
The EPSRC Network for the Decarbonisation of Heating and Cooling and the Energy Technology Partnership have organised a webinar on “Next Generation Energy Performance Certificates” on 14th December, 10am.
Register here: ETP and H+C Zero Network seminar – Next Generation Energy Performance Certificates (
About the event:
Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) have been a core component of building energy efficiency across Europe for nearly 20 years. In Scotland and the rest of the UK, current and future targets for our building stock are closely aligned with EPC ratings.
As we move to more challenging carbon targets, faced with different decarbonised heating solutions but with a new range of tools at our disposal for mapping out a low-carbon future, this seminar will provide a snapshot of where we are. Specifically, noting the success and ubiquity of EPCs in historical initiatives for energy efficient buildings, how might these approaches evolve to face new challenges?
The presentations will cover the current policy landscape in Scotland and the rest of the UK, the overarching framework supporting EPCs, and some of the latest research from across Europe that is hinting at where we might go next.
- Dr Jenny Crawley, University College London
- Prof David Jenkins, Heriot-Watt University
- Dr Janie Ling-Chin, Durham University
- Patrick Mason, Scottish Government
- Josh Wakeling, Elmhurst Energy
Please forward this invitation on to any interested colleagues. We look forward to seeing you there,
14th December 2021. 10-12.30PM