Economic Feasibility of hydrogen fuelled transportation

New research funded by network to explore the Economic Feasibility of Hydrogen Fuelled Transportation.
The first flexible funding call from the DEI-led Hydrogen for Transportation Network-H2 has been awarded.
The EPSRC funded research Network has awarded funding to its’s first project to review the Economic Feasibility of hydrogen fuelled transportation to a consortium of 4 researchers. The project is due to start in May, and will be led by Dr Ramin Raeesi of University of Kent, with colleagues from University of Exeter, Cranfield and Herriot-Watt, with support from Durham University Business School.
This six month project will investigate and identify the current costs within the hydrogen supply chain and forecast forward to understand the impact of technology development and policy support in the commercial deployment of hydrogen fuelled transport. It is a crucial piece of research, allowing a full understanding of the environment for subsidy, policy and investment as we move towards a hydrogen economy.
This award is the first from the £500k feasibility fund managed by the Network team for cutting edge projects which also meet the wider objectives of facilitating collaboration and multi-disciplinary research.
The Network organises conferences, seminars, workshops and funding calls in order to advance the knowledge and understanding of hydrogen fuelled transportation.