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23 November 2021 - 23 November 2021
5:00PM - 6:30PM
ER144 (Elvet Riverside)
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Zinhle Mncube
Abstract: Personalized Medicine (PM) is touted as a medical revolution where medical treatment anddiagnosis is tailored to the individual patient, so that it is optimal, safe, and exactly appropriate. Inthis talk, I assess the underexplored reliability of what I call PM’s the stratification strategy. Thisstrategy requires that clinicians make therapeutic predictions based on evidence of commonlyshared molecular biomarker status among patient subgroups. I show that this strategy relies onassumptions that cannot be presumed to be true. I argue that in many instances of its use, thisstrategy can result in imprecise, unpersonalised, and unsafe care for individual patients (contra thepromises of PM).
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Zinhle Mncube is a lecturer in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Johannesburgand a PhD candidate at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the Universityof Cambridge. Her research concerns the epistemology and ethics of personalizing medicine.She approaches conceptual, epistemic, and ethical questions raised by personalizing medicineand the use of racial categories in medicine by also considering their impact on Blackcommunities in the United States and South Africa. Zinhle is one of the editors of a recentlypublished volume, Global Epistemologies and Philosophies of Science.