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EURiCA Project Publications

Artist's impression showing new satellite technology in space

Publications authored by the EURiCA team:

Name Role in EURiCA Project Publication
Prof Peter Vickers and Dr Sean McMahon
Co-authored paper

Vickers, P., McMahon, S., (2023), How to prove you've discovered alien life - new research. The Conversation.

Dr Cyrille Jeancolas, Prof Peter Vickers, Catherine Gillen and Dr Sean McMahon
Team co-authored paper

Jeancolas, C., Gillen, C., McMahon, S., Vickers, P. (2023), Is astrobiology serious science?. Nature Astronomy.

Catherine Gillen, Dr Cyrille Jeancolas, Prof Peter Vickers  and Dr Sean McMahon
Team co-authored paper

Gillen, C., Jeancolas, C., McMahon, S., Vickers, P. (Forthcoming).The Call for a New Definition of Biosignature. Astrobiology.

Dr Cyrille Jeancolas, Prof Peter Vickers, Catherine Gillen and Dr Sean McMahon
Team co-authored paper

Jeancolas, C., Gillen, C., Vickers, P., Gillen, C. and McMahon, S. (Forthcoming).Breakthrough results in astrobiology: is 'high-risk' research needed?. The International Journal of Astrobiology.



Prof Peter Vickers, Dr 
Christopher Cowie, Prof Steven J. Dick, Catherine Gillen, Dr Cyrille Jeancolas, Prof Lynn J. Rothschild and Dr Sean McMahon
Team co-authored paper Vickers, P., Cowie, C., Dick, S.J., Gillen, C., Jeancolas, C., Rothschild, L.J. and McMahon, S., 2023. Confidence of Life Detection: The Problem of Unconceived Alternatives. Astrobiology.
Dr Christopher Cowie Steering Group Committee Cowie, C., 2022. Arguing About Extraterrestrial Intelligence. The Philosophical Quarterly.
Dr Christopher Cowie Steering Group Committee Cowie, C., 2021. The ‘Oumuamua controversy. Nature Astronomy5(6), pp.526-527.
Prof Peter Vickers PI Vickers, P., 2020. Expecting the unexpected in the search for extraterrestrial life. International Journal of Astrobiology19(6), pp.482-491.
Dr Christopher Cowie Steering Group Committee Christopher Cowie, New Work on Biosignatures, Mind, 2023;, fzad050,