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Image of Wendy Carlos at keyboards

Throughout history there have been numerous inspirational LGBT+ people working in music. One lesser-known example is Wendy Carlos.

Wendy Carlos, a trans woman, has been described as one of the most important living figures in the history of electronic music. In 1964, as a young music and physics graduate, Wendy met Robert Moog and contributed to the development of early Moog synthesisers. Wendy’s million-selling 1968 album ‘Switched-On Bach’ became the second classical album ever to go platinum in the United States and made the Moog synthesiser internationally famous. After this, Wendy wrote remarkable film soundtracks for Stanley Kubrick’s ‘A Clockwork Orange’ and ‘The Shining’, as well as for Disney’s ‘Tron’.

Watch this video of Wendy Carlos explaining their work: