2022 Departmental PGR Conference
6 July 2022 - 6 July 2022
9:00AM - 5:00PM
Department of Engineering (in-person) and Online
This year, PGR conference will be held on 6th July 2022.
PGR Conference
It is the Department’s recommendation that all PhD students in the first 9 months of study will produce posters, students in their 9th -21st month of study will produce either a poster or a 3 minute thesis style presentation, and students beyond their 21st month of study will produce a 10 minute presentation. The conference will be an in-person event, but with online access through YouTube/Facebook channel online. The presentations will be given in-person and via Zoom for those who cannot attend. Best poster and best speakers (in both 3 minute and 10 minute format) will be awarded by the department!
Please register now by scanning the following QR code: