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15 November 2022 - 15 November 2022
5:00PM - 6:00PM
Elvet Riverside 247
Join the Centre for Poetry and Poetics at this poetry reading and Q&A with the award-winning poet, Gail McConnell.
Cover of Gail McConnell's book, The Sun is Open
This event is free and open to all; registration not required.
Reader, School of Arts, English and Languages, Queen's University Belfast
Gail McConnell is from Belfast. Her debut poetry book, The Sun is Open (Penned in the Margins, 2021), won the The John Pollard Foundation International Poetry Award and The Christopher EwartBiggs Memorial Prize. She has also published two poetry pamphlets: Fothermather (Ink Sweat & Tears, 2019) and Fourteen (Green Bottle Press, 2018). Gail has made two arts features based on her poetry for BBC Radio 4: Fothermather and The Open Box.