4 May 2021 - 4 May 2021
5:00PM - 7:00PM
The Independent Human Rights Act Review (IHRAR), launched in December 2020, has been established to examine the framework of the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA), how it is operating in practice and whether any change is required. The review is being conducted by a Panel of eight members, chaired by Sir Peter Gross, a former judge of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales.
IHRAR logo
Following the close of IHRAR’s call for evidence, members of the IHRAR Panel are participating in a series of public events hosted by universities across the United Kingdom. They aim to engage and hear views from a wide range of interested parties to help inform their deliberations.
The IHRAR Panel and Durham University School of Law would like to invite members of the public to join this conversation on the Human Rights Act and their Review at 5pm on 4th May. The event will start with a discussion, led by Professor Helen Fenwick and Professor Roger Masterman from the University, in conjunction with Sir Peter Gross and Simon Davis, Alan Bates and Baroness Nuala O'Loan from the Panel, on the background and context of the HRA and its role within our legal system. Following this, there will be a more specific discussion focussed on each of the questions in IHRAR’s Terms of Reference. In this part of the event the Panel will be primarily in listening mode, looking to hear views.
The event will be of interest to experts in the field, as well as those with an interest in human rights and their application in the UK and its legal jurisdictions. Participants will have the opportunity to submit comments and questions when registering. We will endeavour to offer the opportunity to speak to as many people who make such submissions as possible.
This discussion will be led by Professor Helen Fenwick and Professor Roger Masterman from the Durham University School of Law in conjunction with Sir Peter Gross and Simon Davis, Alan Bates and Baroness Nuala O'Loan The discussion will focus on
Discussion on the Terms of Reference
This will be a focussed discussion on the two themes set out in the Review’s Terms of Reference, focussing on:
For the full list of questions being considered by the Panel, please refer to the Review’s Terms of Reference document.
Please send any questions and comments for the panel by April 26th to hrc@durham.ac.uk
Registration link: https://durhamuniversity.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JrY51quSRSC6ZLidRff02w
To access the event, please register using the email address that is linked to your Zoom account