7 July 2022 - 8 July 2022
12:00PM - 3:00PM
For exact times please see programme
7 July, 2022 12:00- 14:30, UK; 19:00-21:30, BEIJING
8 July 2022 8:00-15:00, UK; 15:00-22:00, BEIJING The conference will take place over Zoom.
7 July: HTTPS://DURHAMUNIVERSITY.ZOOM.US/S/99189333261WEBINAR ID: 991 8933 3261 | PASSCODE: 761825
8 July: HTTPS://DURHAMUNIVERSITY.ZOOM.US/S/99468198711WEBINAR ID: 994 6819 8711 | PASSCODE: 815150
Registration for participation is not necessary.
The coexistence, interaction and competition between China’s unique development model and Western liberal capitalism bring forth a host of challenging ideological, conceptual, and practical issues to the international economic order. The simmering tension has culminated in the ongoing US- China trade/technology war, only further aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war. The liberal international economic order has moved toward a new geoeconomic order and many claim that a new cold war has begun.
The Durham-CUPL joint international online conference brings together more than 20 leading academics, senior government officials and practitioners from around the world to explore what the rise of China means for the future of the liberal international economic order, and the role of international economic law in managing this complex relationship.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Prof Volker Roeben, Dean, Durham Law School Prof KONG Qingjiang, Dean, China University of Political Science & LawProf Ming Du, Professor in Chinese Law, Durham Law School
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