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For Students


Modelling Solenoid

Many students often praise the Team Project for helping them after university as they’ve gained first-hand experience in the wider industry. The projects involve a group of up to six students working on a physics related problem in either the Michaelmas or Epiphany term. Experimental work will be based in the department and the problem to be tackled will usually be set by local industry. You will be expected to evolve your own approach to the problem, organise yourselves, and work effectively as a team.


Course Aims

You will combine all of your laboratory experience and knowledge of physical principles from previous years to solve a scientific question placed in an industrial/research context. The problem will have no correct solution and no script, and may involve building a piece of equipment, testing a product, designing a control system, etc.


By the end of the course, you should be able to respond to a briefing on a problem by a client, solve the problem using physical principles, work successfully as part of a team to address the problem, and prepare a final presentation and report to the client about the project.


Teaching and Assessment


You will undertake practical work as a team, with summative assessment in the form of a written report and oral presentation on the project. Each project has an assigned supervisor that helps track your progress, plus at least one member of academic staff on hand during all sessions in the lab if you need help.