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The Institute of Advanced Study, at the request of Durham University’s Research Committee, took over the responsibility for the administration of the Sir Derman Christopherson/Sir James Knott Foundation (internal) Fellowships in 2006/07. It established a competitive Fellowship scheme for solo scholars conducting interdisciplinary research, enabling three Fellows each year to be supported in this way.

In 2018/19, in accord with its new research framework, the IAS repurposed the programme to support major interdisciplinary projects and their Principal Investigators. From 2019/20, the IAS Christopherson-Knott (CK) Foundation has supported four IAS sponsored projects and their two leads each year. Details of the CK Fellows since 2006/07 can be located below.

Christopherson Knott Fellows

To find current and previous Christopherson Knott Fellows please use the links below. 

2024/25 Christopherson Knott Fellows

2024/25 Christopherson Knott Fellows
2024/25 Project Year

2023/24 Christopherson Knott Fellows

2023/24 Christopherson Knott Fellows
2024/25 Project Year

2019/20 Christopherson Knott Fellows

2019/20 Christopherson Knott Fellows
2024/25 Project Year