This is a list of the most recent research publications by members of the CIPB. Full publication lists can be obtained by visiting the appropriate staff web page. Open access copies of the publications are available via Durham Research Online.
Wilson, M.C., Medzihorsky, J., Maerz, S.F., Lindenfors, P., Edgell, A.B., Boese, V.A. and Lindberg, S.I., 2022. 'Episodes of liberalization in autocracies: a new approach to quantitatively studying democratization.' Political Science Research and Methods, pp.1-20.
Visalvanich, Neil and Shyam K. Sriram. (2022). 'Imperative Patriotism and Minority Candidacies: Exploring the Role of Military Status in Racial Evaluations of South Asian Candidates.' Political Research Quarterly.
von Borzyskowski, Inken, Daxecker, Ursula & Kuhn, Patrick M. (2022). 'Fear of campaign violence and support for democracy and autocracy'. Conflict Management and Peace Science.
Kuhn, Patrick M and Viyan, Nick (2022), `The Misreporting Trade-off Between List Experiments and Direct Questions in Practice: partition Validation Evidence from Two Countries', Political Analysis.
Mates, Lewis, Millican, Adrian & Hanson, Erin (2022). 'Coping with Covid; Understanding and Mitigating Disadvantages Experienced by First Generation Scholars Studying Online'. British Journal of Educational Studies.
Osnabrügge, Moritz, Ash, Elliott & Morelli, Massimo (2022). 'Cross-Domain Topic Classification for Political Texts'. Political Analysis.
Gulzar, Saad, Ruiz, Nelson & Robinson, Thomas (2022). 'How Campaigns Respond to Ballot Position: A New Mechanism for Order Effects'. Journal of Politics 84(2).
Robinson, Thomas S. (2022). 'When Do Voters Respond to Campaign Finance Disclosure? Evidence from Multiple Election Types'. Political Behavior.
Duch, Raymond M., Laroze, Denise, Reinprecht, Constantin & Robinson, Thomas S. (2022). 'Nativist Policy: the comparative effects of Trumpian politics on migration decisions'. Political Science Research and Methods 10(1): pp. 171-187.
Lall, Ranjit & Robinson, Thomas (2022). 'The MIDAS Touch: Accurate and Scalable Missing-Data Imputation with Deep Learning'. Political Analysis.
Bischof, Daniel, Cohen, Gidon, Cohen, Sarah, Foos, Florian, Kuhn, Patrick M., Nanou, Kyriaki, Visalvanich, Neil & Vivyan, Nick (2022). 'Advantages, Challenges and Limitations of Audit Experiments with Constituents'. Political Studies Review, 20(2), pp. 192–200.
Cohen, Gidon & Cohen, Sarah (2021). 'Depolarization, Repolarization and Redistributive Ideological Change in Britain, 1983-2016'. British Journal of Political Science 51(3): pp. 1181-1202.
Kuhn, Patrick M, Mellish, Samuel and Vivyan, Nick (2021), `Psychological Threat and Turnout Misreporting', Electoral Studies, 70.
Osnabrügge, Moritz, Hobolt, Sara B. & Rodon, Toni (2021). 'Playing to the Gallery: Emotive Rhetoric in Parliaments'. American Political Science Review 115(3): pp. 885-899.
Eisenbarth, Sabrina, Graham, Louis & Rigterink, Anouk S. (2021). 'Can community monitoring save the commons? Evidence on forest use and displacement'. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(29).
Slough, Tara, Rubenson, Daniel, Levy, Ro'ee, Alpizar Rodriguez, Francisco, Bernedo Del Carpio, Maria, Buntaine, Mark T, Christensen, Darin, Cooperman, Alicia, Eisenbarth, Sabrina, Ferraro, Paul, Graham, Louis, Hartman, Alexandra, Kopas, Jacob, McLarty, Alexandra S. Rigterink, Anouk S., Samii, Cyrus, Seim, Brigitte Urpelainen, Johannes & Zhang, Bing (2021). 'Adoption of Community Monitoring Improves Common Pool Resource Management Across Contexts'. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (29).
Eisenbarth, Sabrina, Graham, Louis & Rigterink, Anouk S. (2021). 'Can Reminders of Rules Induce Compliance? Experimental Evidence from a Common Pool Resource Setting'. Environmental and Resource Economics 79(4): pp. 653-681.
Rigterink, Anouk S. (2021). 'The wane of command. Evidence on drone strikes and control within terrorist organizations'. American Political Science Review 115(1): pp. 31-50.
Duch, Raymond; Roopea, Laurence S J; Violatoa, Mara; Fuentes Becerrab, Matias; Robinson, Thomas S; Bonnefon, Jean-Francois; Friedman, Jorge; Loewen, Peter; Mamidi, Pavan; Melegaro, Alessia; Blanco, Mariana; Vargas, Juan; Seither, Julia; Candio, Paolo; Gibertoni Cruz; Ana, Hua; Xinyang, Barnett; Adrian & Clarke, Philip M (2021). 'Citizens from 13 countries share similar preferences for COVID-19 vaccine allocation priorities'. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(38).
Andersen, David J and Ditonto, Tessa (2020), ‘The Importance of Candidate Sex and Partisan Preference Over Time: A Multi-day Study of Voter Decision-Making’, The Journal of Politics 82(4), pp. 1337-53.
Ditonto, Tessa, (2020), ‘The Mediating Role of Information Search in the Relationship Between Prejudice and Voting Behavior’, Political Psychology 41(1) pp. 71-88.
Kavakli, Kerim Can; Kuhn, Patrick, (2020), ‘Dangerous Contenders: Election Monitors, Islamic Opposition Parties and Terrorism’, International Organization 74(1) pp. 145-164.
von Borzyskowski, Inken; Kuhn, Patrick, (2020), ‘Dangerously Informed: Voter Information and Pre-Electoral Violence in Africa’, Journal of Peace Research 57(1), pp. 192-200.
Lindberg, Staffan I. & Medzihorsky, Juraj (2020). 'Data for Politics: Creating an International Research Infrastructure Measuring Democracy'. Patterns 1(4).
Popovic, Milos, Jenne, Erin K. & Medzihorsky, Juraj (2020). 'Charm Offensive or Offensive Charm? An Analysis of Russian and Chinese Cultural Institutes Abroad'. Europe-Asia Studies 72(9): 1445.
Osnabrügge, Moritz, (2020), ‘Legislative Activity and Private Benefits: A Natural Experiment in New Zealand’, Political Science Research and Methods 8(3), pp. 565-70.
Angelova, Mariyana; Lehrer, Roni; Osnabrügge, Moritz; Renes, Sander; Yordanova, Nikoleta; (2020), ‘Swaying Citizen Support for EU Membership: Evidence from a Survey Experiment of German Voters’, European Union Politics 21(3), pp. 429-50.
Rigterink, Anouk S., (2020), ‘The Wane of command: Evidence on Drone Strikes and Control within Terrorist Organizations’, American Political Science Review 115(1), pp. 31-50.
Rigterink, Anouk S., (2020), ‘Diamonds, Rebel’s and Farmer’s Best Friend: Impact of Variation in the Price of a Lootable, Labor-intensive Natural Resource on the Intensity of Violent Conflict’, Journal of Conflict Resolution 64(1): pp. 90-126.
Beramendi, Pablo; Duch, Raymond; Laroze, Denise; Robinson, Thomas S., (2020), ‘Multi-modes for Detecting Experimental Measurement Error’, Political Analysis 28(2): pp. 263-283.
Duch, R. M., Laroze, D., Reinprecht, C. and Robinson, T. S. (2022) “Nativist policy: the comparative effects of Trumpian politics on migration decisions,” Political Science Research and Methods. Cambridge University Press, 10(1), pp. 171–187.
Glinitzer, Konstantin; Moritz-Eberl, Jakob; Wagner, Markus; Vivyan, Nick, (2020), ‘Do Humble Beginnings Help? How Politician Class Roots Shape Voter Evaluations’, Electoral Studies, 63, pp. 1-13.
Wagner, M., Vivyan, N., & Glinitzer, K. (2020). 'Costly signals: Voter responses to parliamentary dissent in Austria, Britain, and Germany.' Legislative Studies Quarterly, 45(4), 645–678.
Hanretty, Chris; Lauderdale, Benjamin; Vivyan, Nick, (2020), ‘A Choice-Based Measure of Issue Importance in the Electorate’, American Journal of Political Science, 64 (3), pp. 519-35.
Eggers, Andrew C; Vivyan, Nick, (2020), 'Who Votes More Strategically?’ American Political Science Review 114(2) pp. 470-85.