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Examples of our actions towards SDG 11

Durham's World Heritage Site Visitor Centre, is a free facility open seven days a week. It provides visitors with an overview of the World Heritage Site, including information about what it means to be a World Heritage Site, what makes Durham significant, and what there is to see and do in Durham.

Durham World Heritage Site Find out about Durham Castle's Visitor Arttraction


Below some examples of our actions in the strategy area research towards SDG 11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable

NATure-based URban innoVATION is a project, funded by the C +-and involving 14 institutions across Europe in the fields of urban development, geography, innovation studies & economics. Led be Harriet Bulkeley, it sought to develop our understanding of what nature-based solutions can achieve in cities, examine how innovation can be fostered in this domain, and contribute to realising the potential of nature-based solutions for responding to urban sustainability challenges working with communities
Find out more about NATURVATION
orange building with tree shadow


Two companies started by past students have been accepted onto the Tech Nation Net Zero 2.0 programme, which is supporting the UK’s most promising climate tech companies drive down environmentally harmful emissions. Both firms received support from our Careers, Employability and Enterprise service, who support students and graduates to explore ideas and launch new ventures. This includes startup coaching sessions, workshops, funding and access to specialist advice and mentoring support.
Find out more about supporting student enterprise
orange lecture seats

Wider Student Experience

We have one of the most exciting student theatre scenes in the country, with over 100 productions annually and 35 theatre companies. From Pinter to Porter, Shakespeare to Sondheim, there is no shortage of opportunities in DST! We also have numerous music societies and span a wide range of styles.
Find out more about our Theatre and Music
microphone in orange stage

Living the Values

Below some examples of our actions in the strategy area living the values towards SDG 11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable

Our mission is to be recognised as one of the most environmentally sustainable universities in the UK. To achieve this goal we require to clearly demonstrate that our buildings achieve leading sustainable environmental design criteria and to target resources to promote sustainability to our stakeholders and occupants. We ensure that all significant new buildings and major renovations target a minimum of BREEAM Excellent or Very Good respectively and demonstrate success with certification
Our Sustainable Construction and Renovation Policy
stairs with orange background


The Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa is a partnership between the Universities of Durham, Leicester & Oxford. We use satellite imagery ground survey to record and monitor cultural heritage sites in the MENA region in response to a growing number of threats such as agricultural expansion, urban development, conflict, and natural disasters. The project sits at the interface between two of our Research & Impact Groups, namely Landscapes of Complex Society & the Heritage
Find out about The EAMENA Project
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Local and Regional

Durham University’s Museums and Attractions promote learning and education for all. We have something to offer just about everyone! Take part in adventure trails at the Botanic Garden, go on a tour of Durham Castle or find out about the Durham World Heritage Site in our Visitor Centre.
Explore our Venues and Museums
arm chair in orange background

Governance and Policy

Below some examples of our actions in the area governance and policy towards SDG 11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable

The UNESCO Chair on Archaeological Ethics and Practice in Cultural Heritage is held by prof. Robin Coningham and is a multidisciplinary research cluster and network that explores issues of ethics and practice relating to heritage and archaeology. We work predominantly with South Asia and the UK, but have recently expanded our remit the the Middle East and North Africa and elsewhere in Asia-Pacific.
Find out more: UNESCO Chair on Archaeological Ethics and Practice in Culture
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Centre for the Ethics of Cultural Heritage

A collaborative research centre, involving academics and practitioners from the Departments of Archaeology, Anthropology, Philosophy and Law. The CECH focuses upon ethical debates surrounding cultural heritage, in particular relations with indigenous people.

About CECH read our integrated sustainble travel plan