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A picture of the Pitcairn Building in sunny weather

It was the week in which we encountered the reality of life during a pandemic. Though we hope neither of them will prove to have Covid-19, two Pioneer Scholars reported symptoms - and I thank them sincerely for their diligence and candour. Self-isolation for a complete household ensued. Again, I thank those isolating for their patience, solidarity and excellent sense.

On Thursday we learned the Sir Harold Evans, the finest newspaper editor of his generation has died at the age of 92. Harry Evans was a hero to all who value the freedom to write and publish without prior restraint. Your Principal published a tribute to him on The Conversation. You can read it here.

On Saturday and Sunday nearly 300 new students will arrive to make South college their home. I know we will all work to make them welcome and to inspire them with the affection we all feel for South and our shared hope that it can be the most inclusive, supportive and friendly College of them all. Oswald is, of course, in training for the College Matriculation Ceremony at which we will all commit to support South's core values of freedom, equality and global citizenship.

On Monday evening, residents of Earhart House will gather for South College's historic first College formal. I look forward to presiding over this important occasion and the Formals that will follow for all South students and staff. We must agree a College song. All thoughts welcome but there is no great hurry: the pandemic makes public singing a risk we cannot take.