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The Evangelical Graduate Scholarship

The information below is about a bursary given in honour of Professor Walter Moberly. It is open to applications from Postgraduate Research students in the Department of Theology and Religion for the year 2022-23. In line with the donor intent funds up to a total of £1500 may be awarded on a competitive basis.





Candidates within the Department of Theology and Religion registering for DThM, Integrated PhD or PhD with a clear focus on biblical/theological study of the Christian canon of Scripture as the basic text for writing a thesis/dissertation


Applicants should be international (excluding GB and EU) PGR students in the Dept. of Theology & Religion, Durham University regardless of college affiliation.

Applicants should be (Protestant) Evangelical Christians (please see application form for more details).

Full/part-time study

The Fellowship is open to full-time and part-time candidates.


Candidates do not need to reside in Durham University.


To be eligible for consideration, the applicant will be registered in the Department of Theology & Religion, and the applicant’s research topic will be in the area of biblical/theological study of the Christian canon of Scripture as the basic text for writing a thesis/dissertation.

Assessment criteria

This scholarship and bursaries will be awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need, particularly in relation to a shortfall in fees funding, coupled with excellent academic performance.

How to apply

The application form contains more detailed information on the process and how to submit your application. The new deadline is 17 November 2022.