New Durham Prize in Classical Reception 2024 Announced

The Durham University Department of Classics & Ancient History, together with the Durham Centre for Classical Reception, invites submissions for its first annual international prize for a doctoral thesis in Classical Reception Studies, broadly defined.
The definition of Classical Reception Studies here includes research into receptions in any language, in any medium or genre, since the 12th century CE, of all ancient genres and media including visual and material culture, science and scholarship as well as literature, historiography, philosophy and performance arts.
The winner and runners-up will be announced in early September 2024. In addition to the prize of £100, the winner will be invited to give a prize lecture at Durham in the autumn term, with all accommodation, meals and travel expenses within the UK paid.
To apply, please submit an electronic copy of the thesis, with proof that it has been successfully examined between June 30th 2023 and June 30th 2024, by the deadline of 1700 on June 30th 2024.
The materials should be sent by email to the current interim Director of the Centre for Classical Reception, Professor Edith Hall ( The adjudicatory committee is drawn from staff at Durham University who have worked in diverse areas within Classical Reception.