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Harnessing the power of AI to predict emergency hospital admissions

Our mathematicians have helped harness the power of AI (artificial intelligence) to upgrade a tool that forecasts emergency hospital admissions across Scotland.
A doctor's gloved hand rests on a patient's arm

Willmore Pure Postgraduate Day

Our recent Willmore Pure Postgraduate Day celebrated the exciting research in pure mathematics carried out by junior researchers in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
The Willmore Pure Mathematics Postgraduate Prize being awarded

Pioneering mathematician awarded prestigious Royal Society Fellowship

In a new development for our highly rated Mathematical Sciences department, Dr Yohance Osborne is set to join us as one of the first recipients of the prestigious Royal Society Career Development Fellowship.
Dr Yohance Osborne

Victoria Schleis awarded prestigious IAS fellowship

Victoria Schleis, a postdoctoral research associate in our top-rated Mathematical Sciences department, has been awarded a prestigious fellowship by the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) for the 2024-25 academic year.
Victoria Schleis

Durham researcher collects prestigious maths prize

Dr Sabine Boegli from our Mathematical Sciences department has won a prestigious Whitehead Prize.
Dr Sabine Boegli smiling for a camera

Scientists explain why some exoplanets are spiralling towards their stars

In a new study, our pioneering scientists think they have solved a mystery about exoplanets (planets outside our solar system) that are getting closer and closer to the stars they orbit around.
An artist's impression of exoplanet WASP-12b

How digital technology helps reduce hospital admissions from care homes

We’re part of a research team that has shown a healthcare app used in care homes has reduced the number of residents admitted to hospital by 25%.
A close up of a person holding a phone with apps displayed on the screen

Durham University receives £1 million EPSRC grant for AI research hub

We have been awarded a £1 million grant as part of a new £10 million national research hub from Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) that will focus on developing new mathematical foundations for artificial intelligence (AI).
AI artist's impression

Meet Dr Sacha Mangerel from our Department of Mathematical Sciences

Get to know Dr Sacha Mangerel from our Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Picture of Dr Sacha Mangerel

Meet Dr Martin Kerin from our Department of Mathematical Sciences

Get to know Dr Martin Kerin who recently joined our Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Picture of Dr Martin Kerin

Meet Dr Denis Patterson from our Department of Mathematical Sciences

Get to know Dr Denis Patterson who recently joined our Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Picture of Dr Denis Patterson

Meet Dr Silvia Nagy from our Department of Mathematical Sciences

Get to know Dr Silvia Nagy from our Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Picture of Dr Silvia Nagy
A mathematical equation on a wipe board

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