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Japanese Modules

Please note, not all modules listed will run every year.  Please ensure you check the module availability for each module outline in the Faculty Handbook.  

The module and programme information in the Faculty Handbook is for current modules.  Modules do change year-on-year and are amended to take account of, for example: student feedback, changing staff expertise, disciplinary developments, pedagogic research and/or the requirements of external bodies and partners.


Year 1

JPNS1012 - Japanese Language 1B

JPNS1041 - Introduction to Japanese Culture: From Antiguity to the Present

JPNS1062 - Japanese Language 1A


Year 2

JPNS2012 - Japanese Language 2B

JPNS2161 - Japanese Language 2A

JPNS2171 - Science and Technology in Modern Japan:  A Cultural History (Term 2)

JPNS2181 - Introduction to Anime: Aesthetic, Technology, Seriality


Year 3

JPNS3012 - Japanese Language 4

JPNS3021 - Critical Methods for the Study of Japanese Literature and History

JPNS3032 - Dissertation in Japanese Studies (40 credits)


MLAC3956 - Target Language Research Project (Japanese)