Brian Powers: Moral injury in film, television and pop culture
4 June 2024 - 4 June 2024
7:00PM - 8:30PM
Free of charge
If you would like to find out about moral injury, have seen moral injury depicted in film, television or pop culture, or would like to explore some examples and potentially add to your “to watch” list, this webinar is for you.
Part of the Moral Injury Webinar Series
“In my role at the ICMI, I’m often asked to explain what moral injury is in both casual and formal situations to people who are curious. Sometimes I seek a pop culture reference to try to get close - something or someone in film, television, or a narrative that I know will illustrate the point in some way.
“In this webinar we will examine ways in which moral injury, while rarely if ever named as such, is present in television, film and popular culture.
“We will also look at the ways that those same media have become an increasingly rare public forum in which we debate our cultural norms, with attention to the ways in which film and television shows form, reflect and challenge our own common cultural values.”
Brian Powers is Executive Director of the International Centre for Moral Injury and is the Vann Fellow of Christianity and the Armed Forces at Durham University. He currently leads a module on Faith and the Experience of War in the Christian World, and it includes an analysis of the way mainstream films portray war, combatants and moral injury.
All welcome. To receive the Zoom link, please register at TicketTailor.