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13 March 2023 - 13 March 2023

3:00PM - 4:30PM

ROOM TLC101, Teaching and Learning Centre

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Seminar by Professor Elizabeth Povinelli (Columbia University) hosted by the Department of Geography

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IAS Fellow, Professor Elizabeth Povinelli (Columbia University) and Distinguished International Visitor in the Department of Geography

As part of her visiting IAS Fellowship in “Opportunities in Pollution” and her international Visiting Professorship in Geography, Professor Elizabeth Povinelli will be delivering a theoretical continuation of her IAS Lecture on Tuesday  07 March) on reflections on decolonizing human and more than human relations. 

This talk discusses the decolonizing potentials and limits to developing a semiotics of agency, intentionality, and mind across human and more-than-human existence that goes beyond the geontological division between Life and Nonlife. The seminar asks both whether a Nonlife semiotics could be constructed and why one might hesitate constructing such a semiotics if one is interested in decolonizing forms of knowledge, truth and justification. 

Please contact Dr Penelope Anthias in the Department of Geography ( for further information. 

