Understanding Displacement in Ukraine: Interdisciplinary Perspectives - International Workshop
6 June 2024 - 7 June 2024
9:00AM - 12:00PM
Seminar Room, Institute of Advanced Study, Cosin's Hall, Palace Green
This International Workshop starts from the assumption that to draw meaningful recommendations for managing displacement caused by war, such as in the case of contemporary Ukraine, it is necessary to examine regional historical roots and processes that led to it, as well as to draw on other examples of displacement, historical as well as contemporary, and the solutions that have been offered. Keynote lectures will be given by Franck Düvell (Osnabrück) and Prof Peter Gatrell (Manchester)
'The evacuation at Kyiv train station, 28 February 2022. Image by Oles Navrotskyi'.
The workshop is part of the IAS research project 'Looking back to move forward: History, recovery, and sustainability in understanding the war in Ukraine on a global scale' (2024).
Bringing in expertise from Ukraine, as well as relying on the knowledge of the international expert community, the workshop aims to explore historical, economic, socio-cultural, psychological and health implications of displacement in contemporary Ukraine. The workshop will complement existing research initiatives on displacement with an aim to offer fresh perspectives for research and policy-oriented decision-making in the field, with a potential focus on Ukrainian refugees in the UK and other countries in Western Europe. The value of the new initiative lies in its capacity to convene experts and stakeholders to address critical issues from multiple perspectives, including understanding state responsibilities, promoting civil society engagement, addressing comprehensive migration governance, and advancing inclusive social policies. The workshop aims to facilitate collaborative dialogue and interdisciplinary exchange, fostering effective networking for evidence-based research and the development of innovative solutions and actionable strategies to support displaced populations with the goal of enhancing their resilience in navigating complex challenges.
Attendance is free but places at our venue are limited, so the workshop will be held in a hybrid format. To register to attend in-person, please email kateryna.ivashchenko@durham.ac.uk
To attend online, please register for Day One at: https://durhamuniversity.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gljiZvSkQe-emY6LH3bu6Q and for Day Two at: https://durhamuniversity.zoom.us/j/91063860087?pwd=anlUZW9pdGx1UFpWMFlpWit5MmNKZz09
To view the programme for this workshop, please click the link below.