23 January 2024 - 23 January 2024
11:00AM - 12:00PM
Nine DTP/DRMC Hub. 1st Floor, Arthur Holmes Building. Left of the Calman Learning Centre. Signposted DRMC.
Seminar Topic - Psychological Science Accelerator project on generalisability
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The psych science accelerator holds a lot of interest for a lot of people, so come along and hear what Priya has to say, and the implications for generalizability in Psychological Science.
If you’re here in person we’ll stream Priya’s talk at 11:00 in the DRMC Hub (Nine DTP/DRMC hub, 1st Floor, Arthur Holmes Building), or join on Zoom: https://durhamuniversity.zoom.us/j/97349045114?pwd=Yzkwam5ZaFh5aUZ6KzFsS3l2dG5tdz09
Held in conjunction with DRMC, Durham Library and the Durham RIOTs Club.