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Paul Chazot and Louise Trewern

Supported self-management is an approach to chronic pain that involves shared decision making, co-production of treatment, and equipping patients with the skills to manage their pain outside of clinical consultations.

Our very own Durham University WRIHW Pain Academic Fellow, Louise Trewern, chronic pain patient advocate, is a co-author of this article and has provided key input from a patient perspective. Our LWWP 10-footsteps training programme fits the bill perfectly and is being rolled out all over the UK. Through her role, expert patient representatives from the Patient Voice and the Footsteps Festival Expert Patient Team provided feedback on the article content, highlighting, in particular, the importance of language in the consultation and the role of education early on. Our AHSN-award winning PCI-accredited NICE recommended LWWP 10-footsteps training programme fits the bill perfectly and is rapidly being rolled out all over the UK. Louise is key part of the delivery team for this training programme, as our first Livers expert Trainer (LET).

The full article is available here - Chronic pain: supported self-management | The BMJ