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We are proud to support Neuraclin, an interdisciplinary forum for researchers & clinicians to present work on memory-affecting disorders, notably Alzheimer’s disease, Dementias, and Epilepsy which falls within our Brain, Body and Behaviour Challenge Academy and is hosted by the Psychology Department.

They have organised an exciting one-day meeting (NEURACLIN 2022) on Monday, 17th January 2022 which will be on Zoom.

The meeting is accessible and free to all, and we hope to have some lay audience at the talks, so do please circulate to friends and family who might be interested in one or more of the talks, as well as academic and clinical colleagues.  As just one example of possible lay interest; Dr Sharon Sha of Stanford University is going to be talking about the newly and controversially FDA-approved drug Aducanumab (‘Alzheimer’s disease: The Approval of Aducanumab - right or wrong?’). 

There will be a great line up of speakers across three themes: 1) Early detection and diagnosis of dementia; 2) Brain mechanisms underlying dementias & epilepsy; 3) Dementia Care and Intervention. Thus the meeting ranges widely, from basic science to patient-centred approaches. 

Please feel free to register even if you only want to see one talk. We have a large zoom capacity, so you won’t be excluding anyone’s else ability to attend a talk. You can see the list of talks and speakers here.