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Recent Disciplinary Notices  

Epiphany/Easter Term 2022  

We would like to update our community on a number of recent cases that were considered by Senate Discipline Committee.  


Epiphany Term  

Case One 

One student received a fixed-term exclusion from the University and was given a no contact order following a serious breach of our Sexual Misconduct and Violence Policy.  

Case Two  

One student received a fixed-term exclusion from the University and was moved to a different College following a serious breach of our Non-Academic Misconduct Policy.  


Easter Term  

Case One  

One student was permanently expelled from the University and received a fixed-term exclusion as an Alum following a serious breach of our Sexual Misconduct and Violence Policy.  

Cases Two and Three  

In unrelated incidents, two students were excluded from Congregation and received fixed-term exclusions as Alumni, following serious breaches of our Sexual Misconduct and Violence Policy.  

Case Four  

One student received a fixed-term exclusion from the University and was recommended to take relevant educational training following a serious breach of our Sexual Misconduct and Violence Policy.  

Case Five  

One student was permanently expelled from the University following a serious breach of our Sexual Misconduct and Violence Policy.  

Our Senate Discipline Committee said: “As part of our drive to ensure we create a respectful and inclusive University culture, we expect staff and students to adhere to the University's values on behaviour and our regulations on conduct If a student breaks the law or breaches University regulations, we take swift and decisive action. 

“This approach has seen an increase in cases reported to us, but we see this as our community growing in confidence that we will act appropriately in response to such reports; and we are resolved that it will not deter us from our commitment.”  


Further support and information 

Sexual violence and misconduct - We take reports of bullying and harassment, hate incidents, sexual misconduct and domestic abuse seriously. All staff, students and visitors to our campus are able to use our online tool to report any form of unwanted behaviour