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The College receives the news of the death of Her Majesty the Queen with sadness but also with thankfulness for a life of leadership, service and humility. The Queen’s long reign through changing times has demonstrated a life sustained by Christian faith and deep personal sacrifice in response to a sense of calling. Her dignity, grace and joy transcended cultural differences and bound a family of nations together both in the Commonwealth and beyond.

As a College we have had a long relationship with the Royal Family through the Bowes family whose house now comprises the College and generations of the Queen’s ancestors buried in the College chapel, St Mary the Less.  As an Anglican foundation which continues to train leaders for the Church of England we are particularly grateful for her role within the Church.

We assure our new King and all of the family of our prayers and sympathies at this time of mourning.

There will be those within our College for whom this death touches their own lives in various ways.  Our new College Chaplain, Rev Dr Liz Kent and the rest of the College staff are here to talk and support, and the Cathedral and other Durham churches will be open for prayer.

David Wilkinson

The Principal