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Four people sitting together talking on a TV set

Professor Santiago Fouz (School of Modern Languages and Cultures) was a guest in the Spanish television programme “Historia de nuestro cine” (‘History of our cinema’), broadcast last Friday, May 21st. The weekly programme, presented by Elena Sánchez, has been running on Spanish national public television channel TVE2 since 2015.

“Historia de nuestro cine” showcases two classic Spanish films every Friday evening during ‘prime time’, with a panel discussion in between the two films. Guests usually include members of the Spanish film industry involved in the production of the relevant films, a film critic and an academic. In addition to Fouz Hernández, guests in this Bigas Luna special included scriptwriter Cuca Canals (who co-wrote the famous ‘Iberian Portraits’ trilogy with Bigas Luna) and El País film critic Javier Ocaña.

Watch the full panel discussion here.

Fouz has recently published the edited collection El legado cinematográfico de Bigas Luna (Tirant lo Blanch, 2020) and is currently completing a monograph on the films of Bigas Luna for Manchester University Press. He also coordinates with Betty Bigas (Bigas Luna’s daughter) a series of international film retrospectives showcasing the work of this important Spanish filmmaker. A recent edition of ‘The Bigas Luna Tribute’ in Madrid marked its 70th film screening and events will continue at Quad Cinema in New York City this September.  


Learn more about Bigas Luna

El legado cinematográfico de Bigas Luna book | Online book launch | Bigas Luna Cultural week (Instituto Cervantes Sydney)

Bigas Luna Tribute website:

Bigas Luna podcast