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Epic and Chronicle:  The Making of History in Medieval Spain

This module is open to students who are taking Spanish Language 4 and is designed to develop an understanding of the culture and history of Early Modern Spain and the origins of the Spanish nation through the analysis of some of the narratives on the past produced in the period. The texts selected belong to two major genres: the chronicles commissioned by the Castilian kings and other aristocratic patrons (in particular the works of King Alfonso X), and epic poetry, including canonical works such as Cantar de Mío Cid. Issues treated include history and its relationship with memory and fiction, the creation and development of Spanish prose as a vehicle for both literature and historiography, the use of fiction and history as propaganda, and the process of nation-building in medieval Spain. The module also aims to provide students with a practical knowledge of the evolution of the Spanish language as well as basic skills in medieval palaeography and textual criticism.

Further details of pre-requisites, co-requisites, aims, contact hours and assessment.