26 March 2022 - 26 March 2022
9:00AM - 1:00PM
Online (Zoom)
Free / 無料
World Speech Day is a speech event that is currently held in over 100 countries, celebrating the power of speech. People from various backgrounds deliver incredible speeches on different topics under the motto #unexpectedvoices.
World Speech Day Japan 2022
World Speech Day is a speech event that is currently held in over 100 countries, celebrating the power of speech. People from various backgrounds deliver incredible speeches on different topics under the motto #unexpectedvoices. World Speech Day Japan project 2022 has brought people together via the workshops and forums where participants in the UK and Japan could meet, discuss, share their thoughts and help each other to prepare for their speeches. There are two speech categories, 1) Speeches in Japanese by the students learning Japanese, 2) Speeches in English by Japanese native speakers. The participants will present their unique message from their heart using the foreign language they are learning.
World Speech Day は、現在100 か国以上の国々で開催されているスピーチ大会で、さまざまなバックグラウンドを持つ人々が#unexpectedvoices をモットーに、さまざまなテーマのもとすばらしいスピーチを発表しています。2022 年度のプログラムでは、日本と英国から参加者を募集し、ともにディスカッションや意見交換、フィードバックを行いながら、テーマを定め、スピーチを準備してきました。参加者が、ワークショップを通じて、スピーチを通じてメッセージを伝えることを学び、培ってきたものを生かしながら、外国語でのスピーチで、各々の心からのメッセージを皆さんにお届けします。
Everyone is welcome to listen to the speeches, and the speakers will appreciate any feedback received.
Download the World Speech Day Japan 2022 programme. プログラム
Please contact Assistant Professor Kaoru Umezawa, Japanese Language Coordinator (CFLS) and event organiser at kaoru.umezawa@durham.ac.uk for further details including the Zoom link.