The IAS continues to offer enthusiastic support for major projects, but we also recognise that there is also a need to facilitate more iterative forms of research development. Therefore, as well as aiming at major project proposals for 2022-23, we are also inviting people to propose earlier stage project developments, for example small endeavours to build interdisciplinary research groups and explore new ideas, or ‘starter’ projects aiming to initiate new collaborations. It may be possible for us to fund some smaller developments next year, alongside the 2021-22 major projects, or to consider these for 2022-23. We invite colleagues to submit applications for proposed research developments accordingly (See the full process for project proposals at
Nominating individuals for IAS Fellowships to collaborate is a very effective way for colleagues across Durham University to bring world-leading scholars to Durham, to collaborate with them on IAS major projects or other research developments, and to expand Durham’s international network of research collaborators.
This current call relates to nominations specific to the submission of research project proposals or developments. The IAS hopes to reinstitute an open Fellowship scheme in 2022-23 later in the year.
The deadline for receipt of IAS Fellowship Nominations in connection with the submission of research project proposals or developments is midday 30 April 2021. Full details of the project proposals can be found using this link.
Use the link below to find out how to nominate Fellows and the relevant submission information required, and what an IAS Fellowship involves.
The Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) was launched in October 2006 to mark the 175th anniversary of the foundation of Durham University. The IAS provides a unique intellectual and physical environment for scholarship and interdisciplinary research across the disciplinary spectrum, promoting open and imaginative exchanges of knowledge across disciplinary boundaries. It offers foundational support to adventurous and interdisciplinary research initiatives, and to the potential for these to illuminate disciplinary perspectives. It brings into this environment leading international researchers and assists their collaborative engagement with Durham’s academic community. It communicates the outcomes of this collaborative research, and the University’s leadership in this area, to national and international networks, and to policy and decision-makers.
The IAS Distinguished Fellowship scheme brings together world-leading researchers from all disciplines to work with Durham colleagues in developing collaborative projects of major intellectual, scientific, political and practical significance. Up to twenty visiting IAS Fellows will come to Durham each year to work with its scholars to spark new investigations and participate in a varied programme of activities.
Each year, the Institute sponsors several major interdisciplinary projects and a range of other research developments. Fellows are expected to collaborate with Durham colleagues carrying out such activities.