Industrial biotechnology versus COVID-19. This free online event will showcase contributions of industrial biotechnology (IB) to tackling the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic
The E3B BBSRC NIBB (Network in Industrial Biotechnology) runs a seminar series which has proved increasingly popular with DTP PhD students and others. It gives students an opportunity to see what it might be like to work in Industrial Biotechnology and to hear how top-flight fundamental science is exploited in business. It is free to join our network and our next seminars, free to members are advertised below and you are very welcome to attend.
Industrial biotechnology versus COVID-19
This free online event will showcase contributions of industrial biotechnology (IB) to tackling the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic. The target audience is BBSRC DTP/CTP students and early career researchers who may be inspired to consider a career in IB.
The event is jointly held by the Elements of Bioremediation, Biomanufacturing & Bioenergy (E3B) Network, a (BBSRC-funded) network that promotes collaborations between industry and academia; and the bioprocessing network BioProNET2.
Professor Dame Sarah Gilbert, University of Oxford heads the line-up of speakers, you can see the full programme here.
Attendance at the event is free of charge to E3B Members and membership is also free. Join the network and register for this seminar by visiting our website or email
Where and when
Attendance at the event is free of charge to E3B Members and membership is also free. Join the network and register for this seminar by visiting our website or email