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Volcanology Research Group

The Durham Volcanology Group has expanded dramatically over the last fifteen years and has rapidly established a reputation as one of the UK's leading volcanology research groups.

We welcome approaches from prospective post-doctoral researchers, and post-graduate students at both PhD level and Masters level. Please see our Masters by Research (Volcanology) page for current opportunities.
MSc in Volcanology
Iceland Volcano erupting

The group includes specialists in: 

  • Igneous geochemistry and petrology; 
  • Physical volcanology (experimental and numerical approaches); 
  • Field volcanology; 
  • Volcanic hazard and risk; 
  • Impacts of volcanic eruptions on climate; 
  • Applied aspects of volcanology and igneous petrology.
  • Health hazards and impacts of volcanic eruptions. 

We exploit this diversity of expertise to address problems in volcanology that cut across traditional disciplinary boundaries. Our work is supported by excellent facilities for analytical geochemistry, ash analysis, and numerical and laboratory modelling of volcanic processes. 

We are a vigorous and collaborative group; our group identity is underpinned by a lively, weekly meeting of staff, postdocs, and graduate students. We engage with stakeholders within and beyond the academic community, collaborating with volcano monitoring and hazard management groups around the world, informing governmental and NGO policy on volcanic hazard and risk, and engaging with the public through local outreach, and via national and international media. 

Volcanology Research Group staff members

Staff Name Research Interests
Dr. Richard J. Brown Pyroclastic sedimentology, Volcano evolution, Ash aggregation
Prof. Claire Horwell Health hazards, Impacts of volcanic emissions and community protection
Prof. Madeleine Humphreys Igneous petrology; crystal textures; magmatic volatiles; metals and mineralisation
Prof. Ed. Llewellin Physical volcanology, Physics of magma, Multiphase rheology
Prof. Colin Macpherson

Magma geochemistry, magmatic transport, magmatic gases

Dr. Lauren Marshall Aerosol-climate modelling, Climate change, Volcanic eruptions
Dr. Fabian Wadsworth permeability of heterogeneous materials,  viscoelastic response of multiphase magmas to stress


Get in touch

Contact us to find out more about the exciting things our students do, research breakthroughs, and life at the cutting edge of Earth Science.

Earth Sciences,
Arthur Holmes Building,
Science Site,
South Road,
Durham. DH1 3LE

Tel: +44 (0)191 334 2300
Fax: +44 (0)191 334 2301