Engineering Department Post Graduate Research Conference 2023
23 June 2023 - 23 June 2023
8:35PM - 5:00PM
E005, Christopher Building, Engineering Department
The Department of Engineering’s Postgraduate Research (PGR) conference (Research Day) is an annual conference that brings PGR students together from all engineering disciplines at Durham University for presenting their research in a collaborative environment.
Engineering PGR Conference 2023
It is the Department’s recommendation that all PhD students in the first 9 months of study will produce posters, students in their 9th -21st month of study will produce either a poster or a 3 minute thesis style presentation, and students beyond their 21st month of study will produce a 10 minute presentation. The conference will be an in-person event, but with online access through YouTube/Facebook channel online. The presentations will be given in-person and via Zoom for those who cannot attend. Best poster and best speakers (in both 3 minute and 10 minute format) will be awarded by the department!